Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fourth one? Really?

Blogs are such an interesting thing. In one sense it's a diary, except that it's on the world wide web, so there is a sense of restraint... if you're me at least.  Like many of my peers, this isn't the first blog I have published. My blog first started out on Blogspot. After forgetting to post, and to be embarrassingly honest, after trying to keep up with the hot new blog trends (or so I thought), I switched to Xanga. For some reason it seemed hipper and cooler... I guess similar to the MySpace vs. Facebook phenomenon... oh MySpace... I think I also dabbled in the MySpace blog for a bit too. 

Either way, here is my fourth try. I feel like it's always awkward to start out, so I'm not making this public until I've been writing for a while. Once I do make this public people will be able to read this first post, but I feel like I need to get back into the flow of typing my thoughts before I start telling the world to read my blog.

So what's the point of this blog anyways? I love reading blogs. My favorites include FailBlog, Cake Wrecks, Passive Aggressive Notes, and of course PostSecret.  I imagine how awesome it would be to post something hilarious and/or inspiring every single day. Alas, this is not me. Perhaps some day, but for now this blog is simply my outlet for putting my thoughts "out there." My hopes are that someday, someone out in the universe will read my thoughts and feel less alone than they were before they read my blog.


  1. Hi Mari! I'll try to keep reading as long as you keep writing. I kept my first blog going for just over 5 years...long after anyone was still reading it. I've been meaning to start again but I'm waiting for the right time.

  2. Tim!! Great to hear from you. Blogs are coming back! You better start writing soon :-)
